Press Releases

ARTICLE: 16 June 2019

Smart Talent Cities: Why Talent Makes Your City Smart



PRESS RELEASE: 30 April 2019 brings its pioneering ‘Smart Talent Cities’

solutions to UK and Nigeria.



The challenges we face today are unique; with Brexit in the UK, European migration and

urbanisation giving rise to global cities, where 68% of the world population will reside in by 2050.

As cities establish themselves in the technological age, they will continue to dominate the global

economy. Such influence is a magnet for international investment, however the rapid technology

changes coupled with local financial pressures are reshaping the workforce and the delivery of

city services.


The importance of identifying, nurturing and empowering the reservoir of untapped talent in cities

is imperative, as well as capacity building to include as part of city plans for growth. Thus preparing

all for the evolving world of work and ensures no one is left behind. As a solution to these challenges seeks to enable cities to grow, attract, recruit and retain the world’s most valuable and

elusive commodity - Talent (The Economist 2006: 11). As a result, creating through our extensive network’s pioneering synthesis namely 'Smart Talent Cities'.


Through ‘Smart Talent City’ solutions, looks to increase each city economy, innovation and

creativity through the implementation of Smart Talent City solutions such as: Global Parliament of Mayors - 
Talent Cities
. Starting in Bristol - UK’s Number 1 Smart City and home of organisational innovation such as:

Bristol is Open’, ‘City Leap', 'Bristol - learning City' , 'Bristol Forum'  and the Mayors ‘Stepping Up Programme’.


Much like Bristol’s ‘One City Plan’, our ‘Smart Talent Cities’ solutions encourage cross fertilisation of ideas, knowledge

and resources for the purpose of building cutting edge talent leadership. Working regionally and globally through

partnerships, we embrace inclusion and collaboration, preparing all for the evolving world of ‘Smart City’ work. is honoured to be contracted by New Learning Ventures to implement Global Parliament of Mayors - 

Talent Cities in select cities in the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Nigeria. We look forward to

introducing cultures of exploration and system thinking across cities and international boundaries.


For more information on how to get involved email:


Supporting Press Releases:


Global Parliament of Mayors - Talent Cities Press release

New Learning Ventures - Talent Cities Press release